
Permitting Services
UNIVERSAL offers fully integrated petroleum services from assessment through remediation and site closure. Our objective is to meet our client needs; such as achieving a timely site closure in the most cost effective means possible. The coordination of all project related activities and personnel is critical for peak project performance. At UNIVERSAL, project management is defined as the planning, control and direction exercised to assure that performance conforms to the contracted scope and specifications and that it is completed within budget, on time and to the client's satisfaction. . As a result, we utilize only qualified, experienced personnel. UNIVERSAL offers the following petroleum services:
- Contamination Assessments
- Soil Vapor Surveys
- Monitoring Well Installation and Sampling
- Modeling
- Bioremediation
- System Specifications
- Economic Analysis
- Bid Evaluations
- Product and Vapor recovery
- Groundwater and Soil Treatment and Monitoring
- Water Discharge Permitting
- Soil Excavation
- Remediation System Design and Installs
- In-Situ Soil Treatment
- Soil Incineration
- Tank Closures
UNIVERSAL maintain current, pre-qualified contractor lists to provide our clients with the following support services: drilling, laboratory, soil disposal, and Underground Storage Tank (UST) and Aboveground Storage Tank (AST) removals and upgrades. UNIVERSAL administrators a competitive bid process so these services can be economically provided to our clients.